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Itching in Pets
August 15, 2024

Has your pet been scratching more often recently? If Fluffy or Fido scratches themselves every now and then, there is probably no reason to worry. We all experience an occasional itch! However, there are times when our animal companions may experience persistent itching. This may suggest a more significant issue. This article from Germantown Veterinary Clinic, your local pet hospital in Germantown, MD, delves into itching in pets.

Visit Your Vet Clinic

You’ll need to figure out what is causing the itching in the first place. There are various options to consider.

Here are several examples:

  • Dehydration
  • Parasites
  • Health issues
  • Distress
  • Bacterial infections
  • Shampoos
  • Fungal infections
  • Allergies

Some issues, like using the wrong type of shampoo, can be easily fixed, whereas others, such as bacterial infections, require the attention of a veterinarian. Make an appointment with your vet right away.

Keep Cats Inside

Cats that venture outdoors are significantly more vulnerable to fleas, ticks, and mites, and they also face a higher risk of chemical exposure. We always advise people to keep their feline pals safe and sound indoors. It’s just good kitty care!

Reevaluate Your Pet’s Products, Particularly the New Ones

If you have recently changed Fido and Fluffy’s food, litter, or shampoo, or even purchased a new bed, that may be the trigger. you might consider trying the old brand once more or exploring a hypoallergenic alternative.

Purrs And Tail Wags

Boredom and anxiety may lead to itchiness. Consider cats, for instance. When they feel agitated, they often either groom themselves excessively or completely neglect grooming. Both can result in their fur appearing dirty and unkempt. This can lead to fur loss and skin irritation.

Keep those motors and tails going! Ensure that your four-legged companion has an assortment of toys and cozy beds, and dedicate quality time to them each day. This will benefit you as well! Our animal companions bring lots of love and laughter to our lives.

Maintain Your Grooming Routine

Eliminating dead fur and dander from your pet’s coat can really help a lot here. Fido and Fluffy are likely to experience itchiness if their coats accumulate excessive dirt and dead hair. Additionally, they will not have as much insulation or protection from extreme temperatures.

Every one of our furry companions has unique grooming requirements. Ask your veterinarian in Germantown, MD for specific advice on this matter.

Wipe Fido’s Paws Before Bringing Him Inside.

Dogs enjoy running and playing outside. Both exercise and stimulation are excellent for your pup. However, when Fido goes outside, he tends to collect dust and pollen, especially on his paws and stomach. It’s a good idea to keep some pet wipes by the door to clean your canine companion’s fur down before bringing him inside. Clean cloths and a spray bottle filled with water can also work.

Monitor Pollen Counts

Think about downloading a pollen-tracking app. Monitoring the levels is advisable, particularly during peak pollen seasons, which occur in the spring and fall. Limit your dog’s outdoor time when the count is elevated.

Do Not Overlook Yard Maintenance

Even if you remain attentive to your pet’s preventative care, fleas, ticks, and mites can still find loopholes, particularly as your pet’s next dose nears. Maintaining your property can greatly impact your situation, particularly if you are dealing with fleas or ticks in your outdoor areas.

Here are a few suggestions for that:

  • Prune your hedges to ensure they do not make contact with your house.
  • Prune the branches above to allow more sunlight to enter your yard.
  • Incorporate beneficial insects like ladybugs into your garden.
  • Keep a consistent lawn mowing routine. Bugs often conceal themselves in tall grass.
  • Eliminate any debris, including branches and piles of leaves.
  • Don’t allow stagnant water to accumulate. Buckets filled with rainwater can easily serve as breeding sites for mosquitoes.

Book an appointment with your animal clinic in Germantown, MD without delay.

Utilize A Gentle Pet Shampoo

Did you know that using harsh shampoo can make Fido and Fluffy feel itchy? Many of our furry friends have very sensitive skin. Your veterinarian might suggest using a gentle shampoo, like oatmeal. Be sure to rinse thoroughly! Take care not to overbathe your furry pal, though. Excessive bathing can lead to dry skin.

Watch How Your Pet Scratches

Observing your furry companion can offer valuable insights. Pay attention. For instance, you’d want to take note if your dog or cat is gently pawing or rubbing their head against an object. These particular actions may indicate an ear infection. That is definitely something you would want to address with your veterinarian!

Stay Current With Parasite Prevention

Getting rid of a flea or mite infestation on your beloved pet can be quite draining. It is much easier and cheaper to safeguard your pet from these tiny nuisances right from the start! Reach out to your veterinarian in Germantown, MD to confirm that your dog or cat’s preventative care is current.


Just keeping up with basic cleaning tasks can go a long way. Be sure to regularly wash your pet’s bedding with an unscented detergent. Read the bedding label for specific care instructions, and wash it with hot water if you can. it’s important to replace your air filters regularly as well!

Vacuuming by itself is not going to solve medical issues, like a bacterial infection, but it can undoubtedly be beneficial. The vacuum cleaner is actually highly effective in battling flea infestations, as it can eliminate both fleas and their unhatched eggs from the carpet. When facing an infestation, it is crucial to disrupt that life cycle. Otherwise, you’re facing a losing battle.

Begin vacuuming daily for a while. Whenever you are done, just pour the contents of the canister into a plastic bag, then seal it, and take it outside for disposal right away. Once the crisis has subsided, maintain daily cleaning of high-traffic areas, complemented by a more comprehensive vacuuming approximately once a week. Vacuuming can assist pets with allergies by eliminating dust, pollen, and dander from carpets.

You may also want to consider getting a humidifier. Dry air can deplete moisture from the skin of Fido and Fluffy. This is a common problem during the winter season. 

Feed Your Pet An Appropriate Diet

Diet plays a huge role in your pet’s overall health, and can definitely affect the condition of their skin and coat. Numerous pets, including dogs and cats, can significantly benefit from diets that are abundant in fatty acids, particularly Omega 3 and 6 oils. These nutrients are highly effective in nourishing their coats and skin. Make sure that your four-legged companion is receiving the appropriate nutrition. The dietary needs of pets vary, so it is advisable to consult your veterinarian for tailored guidance.

Maintaining proper hydration is essential. Consider installing additional water stations or acquiring a smart waterer.

Schedule A Visit with Your Germantown, MD Animal Clinic

When it comes to caring for Fido and Fluffy, being proactive is always preferable to being reactive. Routine check-ups for your pet are crucial! If your dog or cat is experiencing itching, please feel free to reach out to us at your Germantown, MD pet hospital. We are committed to delivering outstanding veterinary care alongside exceptional customer service.