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Spring Cleaning For Pet Owners
March 15, 2023

Spring is here … well, we may still be a few days off from the official date, but winter is definitely on the way out. Another thing that will be going away soon? All that extra fur Fluffy and FIdo grew to help them keep warm in winter. You may find yourself with some additional cleaning to do over the next few weeks. We can help! A Potomac, MD vet lists some spring cleaning tips for pet owners in this article. 


When it comes to getting rid of extra fur, the vacuum may be your best friend. Go over the high traffic areas and your furry friend’s favorite spots daily, and then follow up with more thorough cleanings every week or so. Roombas can be a great help here, but we don’t recommend running them unless you’re there.


Fluffy and Fido have beautiful fur, and they’re quite generous about sharing it with us. Brushing your furry friend regularly can go a long way here. The more fur you grab with the brush, the less you’ll find all over, well, everything. If it’s warm enough, take Fido outdoors for his beauty treatments. You may want to wear an apron to protect your clothing as well. For tips on specially grooming your senior cat, check out our article on Grooming A Senior Cat.


Does your canine buddy leave nose print ‘paintings’ on your windows? Vinegar and newspaper work really well at removing Fido’s doggy masterpieces. As far as the paw art Fluffy leaves on windshields, your best bet there is to keep her inside. (Bonus: she’ll also be safer and healthier!) 

Air Filters

Air filters are the sort of thing that are easy to forget about, but they really can make a big difference. Be sure to change yours out regularly. You may also want to invest in an air purifier. There are small desktop sized-ones that work remarkably well! For pets with allergies or skin issues, consider consulting our Pet Allergies & Vet Dermatology service for specialized care.

Mud Busters

Shedding season and mud season go hand in paw. Put a thick mat outside the door that your canine companion goes in and out of. Or, better yet, teach your pooch that he gets a yummy treat for letting you wipe his paw down. If Fido is a Very Good Boy, you may even be able to teach him to do it himself. (Note: your mileage may vary.) 

Our Advice on Spring Cleaning For Pet Owners in 2024

What are some specific grooming tools that are most effective for removing loose fur during the shedding season?

During shedding season, specific grooming tools can greatly assist in managing loose fur. A de-shedding tool or undercoat rake is highly effective for breeds with thick or double coats, as it reaches deep into the undercoat to remove loose hair without damaging the topcoat. Slicker brushes and grooming gloves are also beneficial; they help remove finer fur and smooth the coat, making them ideal for both short and long-haired breeds. For particularly tangled fur, a dematting comb can safely untangle knots, ensuring your pet’s coat remains healthy and well-groomed.

What are some natural or eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe to use around pets and effective at removing pet-related stains?

For pet-safe and eco-friendly cleaning, several natural products are highly effective. White vinegar is excellent for removing odors and stains and can be used on windows and floors. Baking soda works well for absorbing odors and can be sprinkled on carpets before vacuuming. Hydrogen peroxide is good for treating stains, but it should be tested on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t bleach the fabric. Lemon juice can also break down stains and leaves a pleasant scent. Always ensure any cleaning product, natural or otherwise, is used in a well-ventilated area to protect your pets.

What are some signs that a pet’s excessive shedding may be due to an underlying health issue?

Excessive shedding in pets that might indicate an underlying health issue can manifest as uneven hair loss, bald patches, or a noticeable thinning of the coat that goes beyond normal seasonal changes. If the shedding is accompanied by changes in the skin, such as redness, bumps, or a significant increase in dandruff, it could be symptomatic of allergies, skin infections, or hormonal imbalances. Other signs include changes in appetite, lethargy, or unusual behavior. Persistent excessive shedding warrants a veterinary examination to determine and address the underlying cause.

What are some preventive measures pet owners can take to minimize shedding and dirt accumulation?

To minimize shedding and dirt accumulation in pets, owners should maintain a regular grooming routine, including brushing the pet’s fur several times a week to remove loose hairs and prevent matting. Feeding pets a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can improve coat health and reduce shedding. Additionally, keeping pets’ living areas clean and clutter-free minimizes the accumulation of dirt and fur. Placing mats at doorways can catch dirt from paws before it spreads indoors, and regularly washing pet bedding also helps control fur and dirt in the home.

How can pet owners involve their pets in the spring cleaning process in a way that is safe and enjoyable for the animal?

Pet owners can safely involve their pets in the spring cleaning process by turning it into a fun and engaging activity. For example, they can encourage their pets to chase a toy or a treat while vacuuming, making it a game. Introducing new toys that stimulate their pet’s curiosity can keep them occupied and happy during cleaning sessions. Owners should ensure cleaning products are pet-safe and avoid any strong fumes. Giving pets their own space with favorite toys or a comfortable bed can make the cleaning environment pleasant and stress-free.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Germantown, MD animal clinic. We’re here to help!