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A Potomac, MD Veterinarian Answers Some FAQS About Adopting Rescued Guinea Pigs
March 1, 2024

Adopting a pet is a significant decision, and when it comes to small animals like guinea pigs, there are unique considerations to keep in mind. More people are choosing to adopt a rescued guinea pig rather than purchasing from pet stores, recognizing both the ethical benefits and the joy of providing a loving home to an animal in need. In this article, a Potomac, MD veterinarian addresses some frequently asked questions about adopting rescued guinea pigs, offering expert insights to help you make an informed choice. From understanding their care requirements to integrating them into your home, this guide aims to answer your pressing questions and ease any concerns you might have. Whether you’re a first-time pet owner or looking to expand your furry family, learning more about what it means to adopt a rescued guinea pig can be the first step toward a rewarding companionship.

It’s Adopt A Rescued Guinea Pig Month! These adorable little furballs may be more popular than many people realize. About 1.5 million households include Guinea pigs. In fact, they are also the third most searched for pet in many American states, including Massachusetts, California, New York, and right here in Maryland! If you’re looking for a pet that is small, sweet, super cute, and easy to care for, these guys could be a great fit for you. A local Potomac, MD vet answers some questions about adopting a Guinea pig in this article.

Are Guinea Pigs Very Expensive?

Guinea pigs are definitely on the lower end of the cost spectrum. However, that doesn’t mean they are free. A good cage is an absolute must. That cage may be a one-time expense, but you will have ongoing costs of food, hay, bedding, toys, and veterinary care.

Do Guinea Pigs Make Good Kids’ Pets?

Cavies can be great companions for children. However, we don’t recommend getting them for children that are younger than about five or six, unless you’ll be taking care of the animal yourself. Be sure to supervise all interactions!

What Are Some Interesting Facts About Guinea Pigs?

To start: Guinea pigs, though misleadingly named, are not from Guinea nor are they pigs. Originating as relatives of wild cavies in South America, these charming animals were introduced to North America and Europe by traders in the 16th century. Their unique appeal quickly made them popular among the nobility, and they even graced the courts of figures like Queen Elizabeth. Today, you can give these historical companions a loving home by choosing to adopt a rescued guinea pig.

What Are Warning Signs of Sickness In Guinea Pigs?

As with any other pet, it’s important to keep an eye out for signs of sickness. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice anything off.

Here are some things to look for:

  • Unkempt Fur
  • Drooling
  • Diarrhea
  • Dull, red, sunken or watery eyes
  • Lethargy
  • Sitting in stiff or hunched positions
  • Withdrawal
  • Lack Of Appetite
  • Refusing Water
  • Crust on eyes
  • Limping
  • Stumbling
  • Lumps, bumps, or lesions
  • Erratic/Unusual behavior
  • Weight loss
  • Bloody urine
  • Hair loss
  • Skin irritation

You’ll need to find a vet that is experienced with Guinea pigs. Many medications, such as amoxicillin, can be deadly to them.

Do Guinea Pigs Need A Lot Of Care?

Cavies certainly aren’t the most high-maintenance pet, but adopting a rescued guinea pig requires daily attention. Every day, you’ll need to provide fresh food and water and spot clean your pet’s cage to remove waste and uneaten food. For more comprehensive cleaning tips that benefit both your guinea pig and your home, our Spring Cleaning For Pet Owners guide offers valuable insights on maintaining a clean and healthy environment for your furry friends.

As far as food, your tiny pal will need plenty of grass hay, commercial pellets, and about a cup of safe fruits and veggies every day.

These little guys also need free time every day. Your pet will need a safe area for some supervised play time.

Grooming is also important. Some cavies only require brushing: others may benefit from baths. Ear cleanings and nail care are definitely on the agenda, though. Ask your veterinarian for specific advice.

Do Guinea Pigs Need Toys?

Your adorable pets will need plenty of chew toys. Like many smaller animals, Guinea pigs have open-rooted teeth, which never stop growing.;

This doesn’t have to be expensive. Actually, you can make many toys yourself out of things like paper, cardboard, and even many wooden items. Just stick with safe options. Avoid anything small or sharp, as well as items covered in decorative coatings, such as paint, varnish, glitter, or dye, are also unsafe.

You can also provide mazes and solid exercise wheels. Ask your vet for more information.

Why Is March Officially Adopt A Rescued Guinea Pig Month?

March was chosen by Julie Morris, ASPCA senior vice president for National Shelter Outreach back in 2002. The intent is to raise awareness about the plight of Guinea pigs that need good homes, and to hopefully inspire people to go through shelters and rescues when adopting one.

Should I Handle My Guinea Pig Every Day?

All of our animal companions have unique personalities. It’s important to understand that some pets are naturally more cuddly than others are. Guinea pigs tend to be a bit more friendly and sociable than other pocket pets, such as hamsters, mice, and gerbils. Some even like to cuddle up in their owners’ laps!

Taking time to pet, hold, and play with your little buddies is very important. This will help with bonding. This can also help your pint-sized pals feel loved and safe.

Just don’t force it! That may end up doing more harm than good, and could even make your cavies afraid of you. Be sure to give your little friends time to settle in before you handle them!

What Are Some Common Guinea Pig Care Mistakes?

We could (and may) write a blog just about this, but for now we’ll just touch on the basics.

Here are some of the most common mistakes:

  1. Not Petproofing: These guys need daily play time. However, it’s crucial to make sure the area they are allowed in is safe.
  2. Letting Them Interact With Other Pets: You can certainly have Guinea pigs, cats, and dogs, but you should never let them play together.
  3. Getting Just One: Guinea pigs are very sociable, and need buddies! In fact, they’re so friendly that it’s illegal to have just one in Sweden: it’s considered abusive.
  4. Wire Housing: While you may find cages with wire floors that are advertised as being for Guinea pigs, wire floors are actually a horrible choice. They don’t hold bedding, and can even cause paw injuries.
  5. Lack Of Vitamin C: Cavies need Vitamin C to stay healthy. If they don’t get enough, they could develop scurvy.
  6. Unsafe Foods: It’s important to make sure you are only offering safe items. Some dangerous foods include chocolate, avocado, cereals, grains, nuts, seeds, dried beans, corn, and peas, buttercups, garden shrubs or flowers, lilies, sweet peas, nightshade, oak, onions, potato tops, and mushrooms, to name a few.

Do plenty of research, and ask your vet for specific care advice.

What Do Guinea Pigs DisLike?

When you decide to adopt a rescued guinea pig, understanding their unique dislikes is crucial for a harmonious relationship. Like all pets, these small creatures have specific sensitivities. For instance, cavies generally prefer not to be touched on areas outside of their head, back, and shoulders. Recognizing and respecting your guinea pig’s boundaries enhances their comfort and your bond.

Other things these little guys don’t much care for? Being picked up or held against their will is a big one. Your pet may go stiff, or they may start making unhappy noises. Guinea pigs are also not particularly fond of loud noises, car rides, and strong smells. They aren’t exactly big fans of nail trims or baths, either, though these may fall under the umbrella of necessary evils. Ask your Potomac, MD veterinarians for recommendations on grooming.

How Often Should I Take My Guinea Pig To My Potomac, MD Animal Clinic?

Most pocket pets should come in at least once a year. Ask your vet for specific advice on this. Of course, you’ll also need to bring the little guys in if you notice any signs of illness that we mentioned above. While you’re here, don’t be afraid to ask questions. We are always happy to help!

Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig in 2024: Essential Considerations for Potential Owners

What should potential adopters consider before getting a guinea pig?

Potential adopters should understand that guinea pigs require daily care, including fresh food, water, and cage cleaning. They need a spacious enclosure with solid flooring to prevent paw injuries, and ample grass hay, commercial pellets, and fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C to prevent scurvy. Social animals by nature, guinea pigs thrive with companions and should not be kept alone. Regular veterinary care from a professional experienced with guinea pigs is essential, as some medications can be harmful to them. Providing chew toys is necessary to manage their continuously growing teeth, and daily supervised playtime in a safe, pet-proofed area supports their physical and mental well-being.

Why was March chosen as Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month?

March was designated as Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month in 2002 by Julie Morris, the ASPCA’s senior vice president for National Shelter Outreach. The decision to focus on March aimed to highlight the growing number of guinea pigs in shelters that need caring homes. By dedicating this month to guinea pig adoption, the initiative seeks to raise public awareness about the plight of these small animals. It encourages potential pet owners to adopt guinea pigs from shelters and rescues rather than purchasing them from pet stores, thereby promoting animal welfare and helping to reduce overpopulation.

Where can people search for guinea pigs to adopt?

Individuals interested in adopting guinea pigs can explore local animal shelters and rescue organizations, which often house these pets needing homes. March, recognized as Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month, is a particularly active time for such adoptions. Prospective adopters should also consider attending adoption events and searching online databases dedicated to rescued animals. Contacting veterinarians, especially those specializing in small animals, can provide referrals to reputable sources where healthy, well-cared-for guinea pigs are available.

What questions should adopters ask the rescue organization?

When adopting a rescued Guinea pig, it’s essential to inquire about the animal’s health history, diet, and social behavior. Questions should include any known medical issues, the type of diet the Guinea pig has been on, including any specific dietary needs, and whether the Guinea pig has previously lived with or currently requires companionship from other Guinea pigs. Additionally, potential adopters should ask about the animal’s temperament and how it has interacted with humans and other animals, ensuring it aligns with their household environment.

What steps should be taken to welcome a new guinea pig home?

To welcome a new guinea pig home, begin by preparing a spacious cage with suitable bedding, steering clear of wire floors to protect their feet. Provide a consistent diet of grass hay, commercial pellets, and a daily serving of safe fruits and vegetables to ensure proper nutrition, including necessary Vitamin C. Offer plenty of safe chew toys to help manage their continuously growing teeth. Pet-proof a designated area for daily supervised playtime, as guinea pigs need exercise and social interaction. Consider adopting more than one, since they are social creatures that thrive in the company of their own kind. Lastly, schedule a visit with a veterinarian experienced in guinea pig care for a health check and personalized guidance.

Do you have questions about Guinea pig care? Contact us, your Potomac, MD pet hospital, today! We offer comprehensive Vet Wellness and Pet Vaccinations services to ensure your Guinea pig stays healthy and happy. Our team is experienced in caring for pocket pets and can provide tailored advice for your furry friend’s specific needs.