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Cute Ways To Pamper Your Cat For Happy Cat Month
September 1, 2023

Did you know that September is Happy Cat Month? This is the perfect time to celebrate the joy and companionship your feline friend brings into your life. Cats are not only masterful hunters but also experts at melting our hearts and getting us to spoil them. In this article, we explore delightful ways to pamper your cat, ensuring that both you and your furry companion enjoy this special month to the fullest. From catnip bubbles to cozy window seats, discover simple yet effective ways to keep your cat purring with happiness.

September is Happy Cat Month! Cats are really remarkable little furballs. Fluffy is an extremely capable hunter, but she’s also very, very good at wrapping her humans around her paws and getting us to pamper her. As it turns out, keeping your pet happy is also good for you. Our feline pals are great for lifting our spirits and making us smile! A local Potomac, MD vet lists some simple ways to get that little motor going in this article.

Catnip Bubbles

Fluffy is super cute and lots of fun to watch when she’s enjoying some of her favorite plant. However, you can now give your furry friend catnip in bubble form. (We probably don’t have to tell you how adorable this is to watch.)


One cute quirk that almost all of our feline pals have in common is a box obsession. It doesn’t seem to matter how big the box is: Fluffy will happily hop into ones that are too big or too small for her. If you have kids, having them make your feline overlord a box castle can be a great rainy-day project.


Comfortable beds are definitely one of those small luxuries that can make a huge difference. Fluffy can spend a whopping 20 hours a day snoozing. (We’re not convinced being adorable is quite that exhausting, but that’s another topic.) Buy or make your kitty a new bed.


Playing is fun for Fluffy, but it’s important for more than simple entertainment reasons. Kitties need stimulation and mental enrichment just as much as they need the exercise. It’s important for your furball to be able to unleash her inner panther. (Or leopard, or jaguar, depending on her coat color.) Take time to play with your fuzzy little friend. Discover more about the benefits of play in our article, “Reasons To Play With Your Cat.”


Did you know that you can download games for Fluffy to play on a phone or tablet? Many kitties really enjoy playing with digital mice or moths. This is a good way to get some extra mileage out of an old phone or tablet.

Window Seat

Cats are much safer staying inside. However, they do enjoy looking out windows, and watching birds, squirrels, and whatever else is around. Make Fluffy a comfy spot for sunbathing and spying on local wildlife.

Celebrating Happy Cat Month in 2024: September’s Feline Focus on Health and Happiness

Why is September designated as Happy Cat Month?

September is designated as Happy Cat Month to highlight the joy and companionship cats bring to our lives while emphasizing the importance of their well-being. Cats are not just pets; they are beloved members of the family who contribute significantly to our happiness. By dedicating a month to their care, cat owners are encouraged to focus on activities that enhance their feline friend’s physical and mental health, such as playtime, comfort, and enrichment. The goal is to ensure cats lead happy, healthy lives, strengthening the bond between them and their humans.

Are there safe ways to allow indoor cats to experience the outdoors?

Yes, indoor cats can safely enjoy the outdoors with proper precautions. Consider creating a secure “catio,” a screened-in outdoor space where cats can safely explore. Supervised leash walks using a well-fitted harness are another option, allowing cats to experience nature while under control. Window perches or window boxes offer a safe way for cats to observe the outside world from indoors. These options provide mental stimulation and fresh air without exposing cats to the dangers of roaming freely, such as traffic, predators, or toxic plants.

How can cat owners train their cats to do tricks?

Training cats to do tricks can be a fun and rewarding experience for both cats and their owners. Start by using positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, to encourage desired behaviors. Begin with simple commands like “sit” or “high five,” using a clicker or verbal cue to mark the behavior when your cat performs it. Keep training sessions short, around 5-10 minutes, and practice consistently. Patience is key, as cats may take longer to learn than dogs. Remember, making training enjoyable for your cat will yield the best results.

What are some ways to combat feline obesity?

Combating feline obesity involves a combination of proper diet, portion control, and regular exercise. Ensure that your cat is eating a balanced, high-quality diet appropriate for its age, weight, and health needs. Avoid overfeeding by measuring portions carefully and limiting treats. Engaging your cat in daily playtime is crucial for burning calories and keeping it active; use toys that mimic hunting behavior to stimulate natural instincts. Additionally, providing interactive games and opportunities for climbing or exploring can help maintain a healthy weight. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for monitoring progress and adjusting the care plan as needed.

How can owners acclimate their cats to carriers?

Acclimating cats to carriers involves making the carrier a familiar and positive environment. Start by placing the carrier in a common area with the door open, allowing the cat to explore it at their own pace. Line the carrier with a soft blanket and add a favorite toy or some treats to create a comfortable and inviting space. Gradually, feed the cat near or inside the carrier to reinforce positive associations. Practice short trips around the house before attempting longer journeys, ensuring that each experience is calm and stress-free.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns about your kitty’s health or care. As your local Potomac, MD animal clinic, we’re dedicated to providing ‘pawesome’ care! If you’re looking to improve your cat’s diet or manage their weight, learn more about our Vet Nutrition & Weight Management services.